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  • October 01, 2023 4 min read


    Wednesday, 7th November 2023

    Our Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday, 7th November and will be held at The Warren, Metropolitan Police Hayes Sports Club, Croydon Road, Hayes, Bromley, Kent, BR2 7AL.

    Further details will be issued closer to the time.

    All of the Committee Officer positions are elected each year.

    If you wish to stand for Office please complete the nominations form and email it to the Group Secretary by Monday, 30th October 2023 at the latest. Committee Officers for 2023 / 2024 will be voted in at the AGM.

    Please note that only Full Members can vote for Committee Officers.


    Committee Officers – Elected positions.


    Responsible for dealing with the IAM and managing LAM Members. Candidate must be a Full Member. Our present Chair, Jane Harle, is not standing for re-election. Steve Davis is standing for election.

    Vice Chair

    Acts as a stand-in for the Chair as needed. Candidate must be a Full Member. Our present Vice Chair, Richard Bowden-Doyle, is standing for re-election.


    This post requires joint work with the Membership Secretary and is mainly administrative and dealing with IAM requirements and correspondence. Candidate must be a Full Member. Our present Secretary, Trevor Ambrose, is standing for re-election.


    Responsible for maintaining the accounts of LAM, to receive income and make payments for events etc. and to balance the books. Candidate must be a Full Member. Our present Treasurer, Diogo Camoez, is not standing for re-election. Martin Chamberlain is standing for election.


    Committee Members – Non-elected positions.

    Training Coordinator

    Coordinates the various aspects of Training for all LAM Members.Our present Training Coordinator, Steve Davis, is not standing for re-election

    Membership Secretary

    Responsible for maintaining the LAM and IAM Membership Databases, responding to membership enquiries, printing and issuing Membership cards, reporting membership numbers to the Committee.

    Events Secretary

    Responsible for managing and producing the diary pages in Tracker and in Progress.

    Progress Editor

    Responsible for editing our magazine, ‘Progress’. We are always looking for new material and for Members who are willing to regularly contribute to Progress.

    Progress Publisher

    Responsible for the production and distribution of the LAM Progress Magazine.


    Responsible for all LAM Group Web and internet content; maintain and expand LAM’s web presence, including the website, forum and other social networking sites.

    Systems Manager

    Responsible for the technical aspects of the Forum, Dropbox and Website.

    If you are interested in any of the Committee Member roles, please contact the Group Secretary, Trevor Ambrose (email is trevorambrose@hotmail.com). Committee meetings are held by ‘Zoom’. Four are held each year. All members are welcome. Only full members can vote.



    Registered Charity: 1063585/0

    Affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists

    London Advanced Motorcyclists [2179]

    Annual General Meeting

    19:30, 7th November 2023

    To Be Held At The Warren.


    • Jane Harle - Chairman
    • Richard Bowden Doyle - Vice Chairman
    • Trevor Ambrose - Secretary
    • Diogo Camoez - Treasurer



    1. Apologies for Absence:
    2. Minutes of Previous AGM
    3. Annual Report and Chairman’s Address
    4. Secretary's Report
    5. Accounts and Treasurer’s Report
    6. Election of Officers of the Committee
    7. Other Members of the LAM Committee
    8. The Remaining Committee members will be determined by the elected officers and advised at the meeting where known.
    9. Voting on Resolution 1: “That all monies owing to the Group members from the 2022 / 2023 financial year up to 31st October 2023 which have not been claimed by the end of this AGM will be incorporated into the Group funds”.
    10. Awards and Any Other Business
    11. Associate of the year.
    12. Observer of the year.
    13. Brian Bennett Memorial Trophy

    Next Annual General Meeting: Tuesday, 5th, November 2024.



    As notified separately, the AGM is being held on 7th November 2023.

    Nominations are invited from Full Members to stand for Committee. The Nominee must be willing to stand for the Committee and sign the Nomination Form. By signing the Nomination Form the Nominee is affirming his/her ability and intention, if elected, to attend Committee meetings regularly.

    Please note -You may not stand for the Committee if the law debars you from being a Charity Trustee. Only Fully Paid Up Members of the IAM and of the Group may nominate Committee Members or be nominated as Committee Members.

    This Nomination Paper must be returned to the Group Secretary at least seven days before the election -i.e. by Monday 30th October 2023 (Rule 3.5)

    All Officers and one third of all other Committee Members must retire annually by rotation and may offer themselves for re-election by Group Full Members. (Rule 3.4)

    Those elected are invited to become Charity Trustees of the Group apart from the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who are, mandatorily, all Trustees of the Group.



    Nominations must contain nominated by, seconded by and signature of nominee 

    1. Chairman
    2. Vice-Chairman
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer


    Nominations must contain nominated by, seconded by and signature of nominee

    1. Training Coordinator
    2. Events Secretary
    3. Progress Editor
    4. Progress Publisher
    5. Webmaster
    6. Systems Manager

    NOTE: The total number of Committee Members including the Officers must not exceed 20.


    The Brian Bennett Trophy Award 2023

    The Committee would like to ask ALL LAM Members and Associates for their nominations for The Brian Bennett Memorial Trophy Award.

    Do you know someone within LAM who you think should be acknowledged for all their efforts? Someone who you think deserves recognition for all their hard work? Basically, in your view, an unsung Hero!

    If so, please send your nomination to secretary@L-A-M.org before the 1st November 2023.


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